##Prints out the commit log

git log –oneline –graph –decorate –all

$ git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all
* a9b9907 (HEAD, master) added tags
*   accf567 (origin/master) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
| * 265a68b Added a todo list
* | 093da29 Added site description.
* | 41662d1 changed copyright year in footer
* | 0aa79b4 Fixed bug in page header
* | 845ed47 configured details and changed index page
* | 6ee414c Moved example posts to drafts
* | 7383bea Changed to use new theme
* | 0a52f59 Upgraded
* 330c932 Added post content
* 342f8b2 Changed header and footer styling
* 496e128 Changing base url

–oneline - Prints a summary of the commit on one line

–graph - Prints out a graph showing the links between the commits

–decorate - Print out the ref names of any commits shown

–all - Prints out all refs

##Revert a commit

git revert <commit>

$ git log --oneline
d563b11 added a new file
ff80c82 a bug added in this commit
ad186b0 first change

$ git revert ff80c82
[master f338fc5] Revert "a bug added in this commit"
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)

$ git log --oneline
f338fc5 Revert "a bug added in this commit"
d563b11 added a new file
ff80c82 a bug added in this commit
ad186b0 first change

The change set that was in included in commit ff80c82 has be reverted in commit f338fc5

##Undoing a merge

Here is a scenario, we have just merged a feature branch into the master branch but we now want to undo the merge because there was some issue with it.

$ git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all
*   6038856 (HEAD, master) Merge branch 'feature-123'
| * 7f876f2 (feature-123) Added new feature
* | c65c33e bug fix
* d563b11 added a new file
* 0800a45 refactored code

To do this we need to run this command:

git reset –merge ORIG_HEAD

$ git reset --merge ORIG_HEAD
$ git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all
* c65c33e (HEAD, master) bug fix
| * 7f876f2 (feature-123) Added new feature
* d563b11 added a new file
* 0800a45 refactored code

As you can see the merge commit (6038856) has now been removed and the feature branch is no longer merged into the master.

##Remove all untracked files from repo

git clean -f

This will remove all new untracked files that were added to the repo. After this command is run you will no longer be able to retrieve back the files. You can run the following command that will only print the file that will be removed with the -f flag.

git clean -n

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30 August 2014
